3D NFT display bug
及川ぱむ🍜Pam-chan┊︎3D NFT ┊︎Daruma VOX
3D NFT in GLTF format that I have delivered to OpenSea looks like garbled characters when I display it on OpenSea.
This may be an error in OpenSea, but other deliverables are also displayed in this way, and we would appreciate it if you could improve the display in 3D.
Thank you for reporting this!
We believe that this is an OpenSea-specific issue, as other marketplaces are displaying the work properly and the GLTF format works published in OpenSea shared contracts are displaying well.
Also, we have no control over the metadata of the delivered NFT works.
We hope you will be patient while OpenSea works on this issue. Thank you for your patience.